Fat people are heavily into fits of laughter, slapping their thighs and whooping it up, while thin people are still politely waiting for the punch line. 胖人不时发出开怀的笑声,拍着他们的大腿欢呼着,而瘦人还在彬彬有礼地等着故事中的妙句呢。
Other too fat on the line! 别太胖了就行!
The displacement or amputation of extradural fat line. 硬膜外脂肪线受压移位或截断。
The extensive pleural thickening and fat line under the pleura in part of the lesions were found. 周围胸膜反应明显,有广基胸膜增厚,部分可见胸膜下脂肪线;
Conclusion: These technical steps including of destroying the glade plane, resection of lateral galea fat pad, and dissection of temporal fusion line, retaining ligaments, should be adopted, the patient will achieve long-term maintenance of eyebrow lifting. 结论:通过破坏滑动间隙,切断颞融合线和眉限制韧带,切除外侧滑动脂肪垫,达到眉部上提的良好、持久效果。
Three of these cases showed obvious double-line sign in fat presaturation T2-weighted image, with a high signal intensity line in the inner zone and a low signal intensity line in the parallel outer zone. 3例在脂肪预饱和T2WI序列上可见较明显的双边征,表现为内高外低两条并行迂曲的信号带。
Traditional fat client makes the best using of client resource, it can work off line, but need complex. 传统的胖客户端充分利用客户端的资源,可以离线工作,但部署和更新很复杂。
Regulation of short chain fat acids exerts distinct effects on human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 and its clinical value 短链脂肪酸对人结肠癌Caco-2细胞增殖分化的影响与临床意义
Signs of inflammation of right lower quadrant or localized abscess in pelvis ( 22 cases), such as fat line thickening, fluid collection around bowels, extra-luminal air, lymph node enlargement and adjacent bowel wall thickening. 22例表现为右下腹或盆腔炎性改变(如脂肪线增粗、肠周积液、蜂窝织炎、脓肿、腔外气体、淋巴结肿大、相邻肠管增厚);